2024 Western PA FLL Season
Welcome to Another Year of FLL Here in Western PA!
Let’s Go!! FLL returns again this fall in Western PA with a full season of Educational Scrimmages, Competitive Scrimmages, a full-scale Championship Tournament, and the newly created full PA State Championship! The event schedule is set, with the final championship details being finalized. All teams registered with FIRST as local teams (registered as Pennsylvania-Southwest region) will receive email updates as the season progresses.
The Basics: All teams are able to participate in all events this season
– Four Educational Scrimmages will be hosted on four Saturdays starting September 28th at the BrainSTEM Barn (600 Spang Rd., Baden, PA 15005). Each Saturday (9/28, 10/5, 10/12, and 10/19), up to 24 teams (12 in AM tournaments and 12 in PM tournaments (if the AM’s fill up) can come and work through 3 rounds of the robot game under the watchful eye of our Referees and The BrainSTEM Robotics High School team members with lots of FLL experience. No teams are very far along at this point in the season, so the goal is to let teams try out a few missions and get feedback and ideas from the referees on things to work on. Teams can then use the 40 minutes between rounds to work on those ideas, test them out and get more feedback. Pure fun and a great way to learn a lot and make some focused progress. Information on signing up for these events will be emailed to teams that have registered their team with FIRST
– Five Competitive Scrimmages will be hosted on consecutive Saturdays starting the last week of October (10/26, 11/2, 11/9, 11/16 and 11/23) at various venues in Western PA. Up to 48 teams per weekend (24 in AM tournaments and 24 in PM tournaments (if the AM’s fill up) will come to compete in the robot game. Awards will be provided to top performers. Information on signing up for these events will be emailed to teams that have registered their team with FIRST
– One Championship Tournament will be held on the first weekend in December at Aliquippa High School in their beautiful facility and will include both full judging and the full robot game. All teams that have participated in any other season event in Western PA are automatically registered to participate in this event.

How Events Will Be Conducted: all teams with season passes are able to participate in (and are encouraged to participate in) as many events as they can sign up for. Season Passes are available for purchase starting immediately on this site (click on the “Buy Season Pass ” tab). Teams may sign up for events starting September 1st at noon on this website.
How To Participate: To participate, (1) teams need to have a team registered with FIRST (www.firstinspires.org) and then (2) purchase a season pass for the local tournaments here at pafll.com (link at top of page). Cost of the pass is $280. (3) Sign up for time slots will begin September 1st (at noon) on this website. Announcements with instructions will be sent to season pass holders in order to prepare adequately for the time slot selection process.